The St Jacques are passionate about helping couples succeed in their relationship. Married for over nearly a decade with experience teaching couple counseling on the grad school level (Dr Renee), officiating weddings and counseling/ training hundreds of couples, they are extremely passionate about building successful relationships and practice what they preach. They offer a technique called Co-Therapy for those who are dating, engaged and married. This is a form of psychotherapy treatment in which two therapists treat two clients (the couple). It provides the client with a unique opportunity to find balance in their relationship with the advantage of two therapists with different perspectives. They are trained in pre-marriage and marriage counseling and certified in SYMBIS relationship assessment.
For some couples, it can be difficult choosing which gender to select for couples counseling and Co-Therapy can provide that balanced approach. It can be a helpful alternative and can strengthen your relationship and the therapeutic process. If after your first few sessions of Co-Therapy you decide that it would be better to have couples counseling with only one therapist or you feel that you would like individual counseling, that is an option. Overall, they want to make this therapeutic process as effective as possible for you as you heal and grow.
Please note that co-therapy is only available with private pay and not covered by insurance.